1035 Monroe Street
Port Townsend, WA 98368
360 385 9974
(fax 360 385 1624)

August 20, 1999

Lurline Curran
Grand County Manager
P.O. Box 264
Hot Sulfur Springs, CO 80451
970 725 3347 (fax 970 725 3303)

Dear Ms. Curran,

Marvin Fischer has informed me that his decision not to approve our Rumford fireplaces
is not appealable in Grand County and that we would have to appeal to the state.

I called Mike Silverstein at the state Air Pollution Control Division (303 692 3113) who
confirmed for me that the fireplace restrictions in Section VII of Regulation #4 are only
applicable in the six county area around Denver. Reg #4 permits fireplaces in all other
counties including Grand County and the State list of approved appliances only applies to
stoves and masonry heaters which are regulated statewide.

So, if Grand County has expanded the scope of Regulation #4, specifically by using it to
ban fireplaces which are not on a list that does not include a category for fireplaces, that is a
local Grand County decision and should be appealable in Grand County.

I would like the opportunity to ask the Grand County Commissioners if they really intend
to ban clean-burning fireplaces just because they aren't masonry heaters - even though they
are just as clean-burning as the masonry heaters they do permit.


Jim Buckley
Copy: John Berendes (fax 970 531 3435)

Grand County Struggle
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