Buckley Rumford Fireplaces

Consultant Services Offered
  • Fireplace Design Services for Architects and Builders - Three hours of AIA CE credit available.
  • Instruction and Training Workshops for Masons
  • Historic Fireplace Evaluation and Restoration Planning
  • Solutions for Problem Smoky or Inefficient Fireplaces
  • Construction Services as consultant to homeowner, builder or mason contractor
We are overwhelmed with telephone calls and email messages. We try to respond to each one but, frankly, it sometimes takes a few days or we lose the message or forget who we talked with about what.

So we have decided to charge for consultations lasting more than ten minutes - and keep records. Maybe it will eliminate or minimize some of the simple questions and allow us to prioritize and focus on the important ones. Ultimately our objective is to provide better service.

  • No charge for routine telephone/email consultation.
  • $100 for half hour or $200 per hour to review plans and make recommendations - negotiated in advance.
  • Minimum three hours up to $1,000 per day for on site visits, plus expenses.
  • Workshop fees negotiated

    What?! How can you justify such fees?

Buckley Rumford Fireplaces
Copyright 1995 - 2025 Jim Buckley
All rights reserved.