Grand County, CO
Fireplace Emissions Rule

(faxed by Marvin Fischer, Chief Building Official, 9/23/99)

The Uniform Building Code, 1991 Edition shall be amended, effective January 28, 1997 by adding the following definitions to Chapter 37, Section 3702:

Chapter 37

Defintions: The following definitions shall be added to this section of the UBC
Sec. 3702
APPROVED NON-SOLID FUEL BURNING DEVICE is an appliance or device which burns a non-solid fuel such as natural gas, liquified petroleum (LP), fuel oil, recycled motor oil or similar fuel in an appliance or device which has been approved by Underwriter's Laboratory, American Gas Associates, other approved laboratories or the Grand Counnty Building Official.

APPROVED SOLID FUEL BURNING DEVICE is an appliance or device which is designed or intended to burn solid fuel and which is certified by the air pollution control division of the State Department of Health to meet the emissions standards set forth in the Colorado State Air Pollution Control Regualtion No. 4.

SOLID FUEL BURNING DEVICE is any fireplace, stove, firebox or other device intended and'or used for the purpose of burning wood, coal, pulp, paper, pellets or other non-liquid or non-gaseous fuel.

The Uniform Building Code, 1991 Edition shall be amended, effective January 28, 1997 by adding a new Section 3708 to Chapter 37 as follows:

Chapter 37

Limitation on the Number of Devices

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