We don't mind telling you...WE NEED YOUR MONEY!One of the most effective strategies of governmental agencies like the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and the several city and county governments in the Bay Area is to stall. They think they can just wait until we run out of money and go away. And, when you think about how much it costs to pay for surveys, emission testing, hire consultants and lawyers, they may be right.
We need your support. Your letters and your testimony at hearings and Council meetings are important, but that can be asking a lot. We can also use your support in the form of a check to:
California Hearths and Homes If you are a mason, an architect, a home-owner, an environmentalist or just someone who'd like to see good government and fair play, please, let us hear from you.
980 Ninth Street, Suite 1600
Sacramento, CA 95814
916 449 9507 (fax 510 559 8808)
[Local Ordinances]
[Fund Raising]
[Model Ordinance]
[Letter to Supporters]
California Hearths and Homes
980 Ninth Street, Suite 1600
Sacramento, CA 95814
916 449 9507 (fax 510 559 8808)