Honduras Group Reunited


Alice "found" us after all these years. Below, with permission, are links to snippits of who we are today. Please feel free to add, subtract, edit and correct by sending your comments to jim@rumford.com

[Alice] [Isao] [Nancy] [Jim] [Joe] [Susie] [Bob] [Grace]

Most recent first

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009, Isao wrote:

Hi Jim, Alice and Nancy,

It's great that we can  renew connections and friendships. I'm in Kyoto, Japan right now  teaching a UCDavis summer abroad course on "Community and Everyday Life in Japan." The class started today and I'll be here through August 5.

In mid August Telluride Association members from the 60s pulled together a reunion so I'm heading back to Ithaca back then. Phil Blair is among those coming back. Phil was on the Valle de Angeles team the same year we were in Santa Rita de Yoro.

Susan came through California a few months ago. She has a cousin working in one of the administrative offices at UCDavis. I was told she came looking for me so I got her email address and wrote her a number of times  but got no reply.

I had reconnected with Bob Newman who was with Alice in Honduras the same year Grace also returned to Honduras. Bob told me that Grace worked in the Washington DC offices of the International Voluntary Services headed by Dick Peters. Dick was the project leader for Cornell in Honduras right before Billie Schildkraut. Alice knows all these people. With all these interconnections, there must be a way to track down Grace.. I know Alice tried.

Thanks for keeping the web page up on the Honduras group Jim.

with warm regards,

On Mon, Jun 23, 2009, Alice Michtom wrote:

As you all know, I have been for getting together all along. I've seen Nancy and Isao, but I think it would be such fun for all of us to hang. You're all out /there/, so I guess that means I'd be the one to do the traveling. Oy, my tired old bones.

I'm happy to update the page - I love going back there every now and again.

Isao? Nancy?

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009, Jim Buckley wrote:

Isao, Nancy and Alice,

I moved the pages I had made for the Honduras Group in 2002 to http://www.olympus.net/personal/buckley/honduras/reunited.html

It was fun reading through it again but we (I) really haven't kept it up. And we still haven't found Susie or Grace. Do we want to update the page or maybe keep up on facebook?

It would be nice to get together.

Warm regards,

Honduras, 1963-4
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