Bob & Cindy

Three generations: Bob & Cindy; son, Robin and Pamela and daughters, Briana and Alyssa

Pictures sent in by Bob
(larger versions available by email)

Benegas Family
Children at School
Fording the River
Joe with Kids
Joe & Suzie Splashing
On the way to Santa Rita
United Fruit Co. Transport



It's great hearing from everyone. I'm impressed with how involved you have all been. I'm attaching some pictures from our days in Honduras (they're, unfortunately, the best of what I could find--I was even worse at taking photo then than now). Maybe they will bring back some memories.

I stayed at Cornell until 1969, finally getting a Ph.D. in government. Cindy and I were married in Ithaca in 1967 and our twins were born just after I started teaching at Texas A&M. We had 20 very good years there, with Cindy getting her Ph.D. in English linguistics just about the same time the kids finished college. Cindy and I both got job offers at Auburn University in Alabama, and we moved there in '89. I've been there ever since, including 5 years as department chair. In '99, Cin got a job offer that was just too good to turn down at the University of Memphis--so I've been doing a lot of commuting since then. I'm now down to teaching only in the fall, and will do that for just the next two years. Having whole weeks together is one of life's treasures that, fortunately, we can afford.

One son was bitten by the overseas bug. Bryan spent his junior year of high school in Uruguay--and he followed us to Cornell. He got married there in '89 to a Cornellian from Puerto Rico. He graduated in '90 and waited in Ithaca until Laura graduated in '91. They were bright, loving, and caring people--big brother and sister to some Ithaca children--but they were murdered while on their way to start graduate school in California in September of '91. Their deaths sadden all of our days.

Our other son limited his overseas excursions to a week in Poland and trips to England and Italy. Robin loved A&M--still does--and he stayed there through his masters. He and Pamela were married in Charlotte, NC, where he has worked since graduation. (He works for a British firm--all multinationals are not overseas :) One of the attached pictures shows us with them and their daughters--Briana (now 4) and Alyssa (now 2). We get together about every 6 weeks or so--and the little ones show us how much promise there is in life.

Although I teach political science, I've been far less active in politics than most of you. Our main outside interest has been bridge: Cin & I won the North American mixed pair title in '95 (& she was on a team that took the North American women's title back in '87). Bridge has been our entree to luxury travel, as we teach bridge and run games on cruise ships for about a month each year. We also like to square dance (see picture), but have had little time for that the past couple of years. I still play volleyball each week that I'm in Auburn on the appropriate day (remember playing in the mud in Santa Rita?)

Here's hoping we all can get together soon--thanks, again, Alicia, for finding all of us!


Note from Alice 7/17/07

I just saw in the latest Cornell Alumni News that Bob died in April. I am trying to get more information but so far nothing. E-mails for the other Honduras Team people are on my old computer which I basically can't access; I'm wondering if you have Susie's, Isao's and Joe's e-mails.

I am terribly saddened by this news.

[Alice] [Isao] [Nancy] [Jim] [Joe] [Susie] [Bob] [Grace]