American Memory
Historical collections for the national digital library
Over 500 fireplaces, letters, issues of "Manufacturer and Builder" and "Atlantic Monthly" articles many at Cornell Univ.
Am Soc. of Heating, Refrig. and Air cond. Eng, Inc.
ASHRAE Handbook, 1979
345 E. 47th St. NY, NY 10017
Amrhein, James E., S.E.
Residential Masonry Fireplace and Chimney Handbook, 1995
ISBN 0-940116-03-0
Masonry Institute of America, Los Angeles, CA
(213 388 0472)
Listed in Book Store
Army Field Manual (FM 5-428) "Concrete and Masonry", 1998.
Bacon, Richard M.
The Forgotten Art of Building and Using a Brick Bake Oven
Yankee, Inc., Dublin, New Hampshire
Benzon, Gorm
Gamle danske kamines (Danish Fireplaces), 1982
Kreditforeningen Danmarks
skirftserie om bygningskultur
ISBN 87-980670-5-2
(Photos of 12th and 15th century fireplaces with tall shallow fireboxes)
Boily & Blanchette
Bread Ovens of Quebec
Nat. Museums of Canada, 1979
(Bill Parsons, mason in Orcas Is, &Seattle said bread oven at Fort Nostrally in Tacoma worth seeing.
Brown, Sanborn (1913 - 1984?)
Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford
MIT Press, 1979
Coll Q 143 R8 B69 (Col. Wmsbrg Lib.)
Listed in Book Store
Sanborn C. Brown, ed.
The Collected Works of Count Rumford
Harvard Univ. Press, 1969
(Five volumes - Vol II has Rumford's two essays on fireplaces)
Listed in Book Store
On Line Version of "Chimney Fireplaces"
Cable, Carole
The Fireplace: Design, Dates and History, 1983
Col. Wmburg Lib.
Chamberlain, Samuel and Henry N. Flynt (photos)
Historic Deerfield
Hastings House, NY 1952, 57, 65, 72, 79
(Photos of 18th c. houses, interiors and fireplaces.)
Danforth, Thomas
The Theory of Chimnies and Fireplaces Investigated - Rumford Fully Explained
Dartmouth College, Rare Books and Special Collections
(source of incorrect ideas about smoke shelf?)
Delbanco, Nicholas
"Rumford," American Heritage Magazine, Sept 1993 (p.68-77)
(Delbanco directs the writing program at U of Michigan and is currently writing a novel: "Rumford: His Book")
Donley Brothers Co., Cleveland, Ohio
Book of Successful Fireplaces - how to build them.
(Printed by the thousands in the 1940's and 1950's, now rare. Rumor is this is sourse of "the modern fireplace" as built into the codes)
Dover Publications Inc., 31 East 2nd Street, Mineola, NY 11501
Reprints of many old architecture and style books.
"Number 500 General Catalog of E.L.Roberts & Co.", 1903, which includes fireplace grates and mantels.
Early American Soc., 206 Hanover St., Gettysburg, Pa 17325
The Early American Fireplace Book, 1980
Harrisburg, PA 17105
(Mantel styles, bake oven and Colonial chimney const. Mostly pre 1800)
Edwards, Fredrick JUN
Our Domestic Fire-Places (Am Ed)
Longrams Gre & Co., London, 1870
(Rumford part basically correct - major book on subject at the time)
Frary, I. H.
Early Homes in Ohio
Excellent, authoritative - Ruth Norton, Roscoe Vill, historian.
Gainsborough, Thomas
Portrait of Rumford at age 30
Boston, 1783
Fogg Museum, Harvard (owner)
Gauger, Nicolas (translated by J.J. Pesaquliers)
Fires Improved: Being a new method of building chimneys so as to prevent their smoking J. Suuex, London, 1715
Gillespie, G. Curtis
Rumford Fireplaces and How they are Made
W.T. Comstock, NY, 1906
(Reprints Rumford's first essay on Chimney Fireplaces with plates of mantels etc. on facing pages for interest.
Elevates importance of slant-backed special case by printing footnote as text!)
Gould, Mary Earle
The Early American House - houshold life 1620-1850 - const. and evolution
Tuttle (Revised 1949 ed.), Rutland, VT, 1965
(Good on early fp and bake ovens. No mention of Rumford, no biblio, few footnotes)
Grove, Bonnie
History of Renick House in Chillicothe, 1794-1804
Privatly published, Chillicothe, 1970?
(Four fireplaces in main hse finished after 1795 are Rumfords indicates Renick read Rumford year after he published in 1795)
Harison-Walker Refractories Co.
Modern Refractory Practice, (fourth ed)
Pittsburgh, PA, Cat.#4534235
(Kilns. Difficult to find - Diener)
Heschong, Lisa
Thermal Delight in Architecture
MIT, Cambridge, 1979, 7th printing 1990
(ref: Bob McClurg)
Hoffman, James W.
Remote Sensing Systems
(A Course Outline published 1994
The Basic physics of infrared sensing. See Space Instruments)
Hudson, Richard D. (Infrared Laboratories, Hughes Aircraft Company)
Infrared System Engineering
John Wiley & Sons; 1 edition (January 1, 1969)
ISBN: 0471418501
Recommended by Hoffman
Kauffman, Henry J.
The American Fireplace: chimneys, mantelpieces, fireplaces & accessories
Nashville, TN, 1972
Ladd, Paul Revere 1894 -
Early American Fireplaces
Hastings House, NY 1977
(Cooking, forging, paraphanalia, photos)
Lyle, David
The Book of Masonry Stoves: Rediscovering an Old Way of Warming
Birch House Pub. Co., Andover, MA, 1984
David Lyle, Heating Research Co., Acworth, NH 03601
(Definitive work on masonry heaters)
Listed in Book Store
Lytle, R.J. and Marie-Jeanne
Book of Successfull Fireplaces
Structures Publishing Co., Farrington, Mich., 1977
Mark's Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 9th ed. 1978
(Contains several pages on radiant heat transfer and fluid dynamics.)
McAlester, Virginia and Lee
Field Guide to American Houses
Knopf, NY, 1991
Mease, James, ed of 1st Am ed.
Domestic Encyclopidia, 1802-5 (five vol)
(Rumford contributed articles and Encyclopidia was a popularizer of scientific ideas)
Morstead, Harry
Fireplace Technology in an Energy Conscious World
Center for Research and Development in Masonry, 1981
(Talked with by phone in 1989* and again 9/13/02 about ovens - Calgary Alberta (403 242 3992) harry.morstead@shaw.ca)
Orton, Vrest
The Forgotten Art of Building a Good Fireplace
Yankee Press, Dublin, NH, 1969, 74
(Popularized Rumford, but got some key ideas wrong)
Peirce, Josephine H.
Fire on the Hearth, 1951
(History of stoves and devices, pictures, excerpts from old diaries & letters, advs. List of Patents on stoves and fireplace improvements from 1797 until 1848)
Putnam, J. Pickering
The Open Fireplace
Jas. Osgood & Co., 1881
(Accurate history. Mostly mid 19th century coal and gas fireplaces)
Rees, Abraham
Cyclopaedia or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature.
Samuel F. Bradford and Murray, Fairman and Co.
1818 according to Fearon "Sketches of America" note copy in Cinci, OH.
(Hutslar thinks it was most useful "cylopaedia" of its type)
(Ed Ashby bought 1859 version in single 1200 page volume -
notes on Rumfords by Mr. Longman)
Reid, D.B.
Ventilation in American Dwellings
Wiley & Halsted, NY 1858
Renwick, James
Life of Benjamin Thompson - Count Rumford
In Sparks, Jared, Lib of Am Biog.
OHS: 920 Sp266 Ser.2 v.5
The Royal Institution of Great Britain
21 Albemarle Street
London W1X 4BS
United Kingdom
(+44) 0 171 409 2992 Fax.(+44) 0 171 629 3569
(Article about Count Rumford, who founded the RI in 1799, "The Scientist Who Tried to Make People Happy", on the eve of the 200th anniversary of the RI by former Director, Sir John Meurig Thomas, FT Weekend, 9/19-20/98)
Rosin, P.O.
"The Aerodynamics of Domestic Open Fireplaces"
Journal of the Institute of Fuel, Vol 12, 1939, pp. 198-224.
R9 Original essay on chimney fireplaces, 1796
Nat'l Union Cat. 1862 ed: NR 0510209 ICU (Chicago) only one listed.
Essay X on kitchen fireplaces
Nat'l Union Cat: NR 0510212 OCL MWA MdBP RBP
Rumford, Sir Benjamin Thompson (1753 -1814)
Essays, 1798 -1804
D. West, London, Boston
First American edition from his third edition.
Williamsburg Library & Widner. Also OHS: V 362.5 R865
Rumford on line
The complete works of Count Rumford (1870)
The complete works of Count Rumford, Vol III (1870)
Seel, Timothy (VP Engineering, Roberts-Gordon, Inc.- 800 828 7450)
Sir Wm. Herschel, Infrared Handbook
Robert-Gordon, Inc., Buffalo, NY and Grimsby, Ont., 1990
One of the best practical handbooks available on radiant heating
Shuffrey, L.A.
The English Fireplace: a history of the dev. of the chimney piece earliest times to 19th century.
B.T. Batsford, London and William Helbaum in NY, 1912
Swan, Abraham
Upwards of 150 new Designs for Chimney Pieces ... plates, 1768
Archit NA 3050 S92 1972 (Col. Wmbrg Lib)
Thompson, James Alden
Count Rumford of Massesusetts
Farrar and Rinehart, Cinci, 1935
Tomlinson, Chas.
Cylopaedia of Useful Arts and Manufactures (2 vol)
Geo Virtue, London, 1854
(Lot of 18th c stuff. Check references. Still valuable even though late)
Tunick, Susan
Terra-Cotta Skyline : New York's Architectural Ornament
by Susan Tunick, Peter Mauss (Photographer)
Listed in Book Store
Vivian, John
(Features New England Architect, David Howard's Rumfords)
Watkins, R. V.
Research on the Relationship Between Flue Area and Fireplace Opening - Report No. 6A
The Engineering Experiment Station, Ohio State Univ., Columbus OH, 1961
(Interesting and complete review of literature - citing Rumford, Putnam (as original sourse of all flue/fp ratios), Donley, ASHRAE et.al.)
Watson, Richard D. and Kirby S. Chapman
Radiant Heating and Cooling Handbook
Williams, Keith
Stoves, Hearths and Chimneys (the David & Charles Manual of)
Redwood Press, GB, 1987 ISBN 0 7153 0019 0
Interesting coments on measurment of "thermal comfort" by P.O. Fanger and D.A. McIntyre in 1980 in conjunction with the Coal Research Establishment (graph with heat/comfort factor: (0.56tA + 0.44tR). deg C and the human metabolism rate is QM, W/m squared) ??????
Wing, Dan and Alan Scott
The Bread Builders
Chelsea Green, 1999
("Definitive work on hearth breads, including the most complete description of building a bread oven available in print. - Norbert Senf)
Listed in Book Store
Wright, Lawrence
Home Fires Burning - history of domestic heating and cooking.
Routledge, London, 1964
(Savot's convection fireplace from 1620. Politics of Rumford's fp: Good for bricklayers, not Ironmongers. Comments on endless inventions: glass doors revolving grates, ceramic tubes, etc.)