Buckley Rumford Fireplaces
Larimer County, CO


Stan V. Griep
Lead & Commercial Plans Examiner
Larimer County Building Department
Ft. Collins, CO 80522-1190
Phone: (970) 498-7714
Fax: (970) 498-7667
"Rumfords are fine in Larimer County"



Woodburning Ordinance for Fireplaces, Wood Stoves, or Fireplace Inserts

Fireplace/Wood Stove Amendment to the 1997 Uniform Building Code

Repeal existing Section 3102.1.1 of the 1997 Uniform Building Code.

Add the following amended Section 3102.1.1 to the 1997 Uniform Building Code and add the following definitions to Section 3102.2:

3102.1.1 Installation.

A. All wood stoves and fireplace inserts installed on or after January 1, 2002, in unincorporated Larimer County shall meet the Phase III emissions standards for wood stoves established by the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission.

B. All wood stoves and fireplace inserts installed prior to January 1, 2002, in unincorporated Larimer County shall be allowed to remain in use until such time as the owner voluntarily replaces it. Upon replacement, such wood stove or fireplace insert shall meet the Phase III emission standards for wood stoves established by the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission.

C. All fireplaces installed on or after January 1, 2002 in the Restricted Area shall be one of the following: i. A gas fireplace or fireplace with a gas log installed and functioning at time of final inspection; ii. An electric device; or iii. A fireplace that meets the Phase III emissions standards for wood stoves established by the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission or any other clean burning device that is approved by the commission.

D. All fireplaces installed prior to January 1, 2002 in the Restricted Area shall be allowed to remain in use until such time as the owner voluntarily replaces it. Upon replacement, such fireplace shall be one of the types specified in Subsection (C) (i), (ii), or (iii) above.

E. Within the Nonrestricted Area, fireplaces, including but not limited to masonry and factory built fireplaces (such as metal and zero clearance fireplaces), shall be allowed and shall not be required to meet the standards in Paragraph (C) above.

3102.2 Definitions.

Nonrestricted Area: That part of unincorporated Larimer County located west of Range 71 or North of the north half of Township 10, and east of Range 72 as shown on the Larimer County Fireplace Area Map.

Restricted Area: That part of unincorporated Larimer County located outside the Nonrestricted Area as shown on the Larimer County Fireplace Area Map.

Wood stove: An appliance designed for or capable of burning wood and capable of and intended for domestic space heating or domestic water heating.

Fireplace insert: A wood burning device designed to be installed in an existing fireplace.

Effective as of the adoption date of the above-mentioned ordinance, Larimer County as an incentive to homeowners anywhere in the county to convert to cleaner Phase III wood stoves, Phase III fireplace inserts, and gas or electrical fireplaces will waive the building permit fee associated with the conversion of or to such units.

Pertinent Existing Definitions in the 1997 Uniform Building Code Section 3102.2

Fireplace is a hearth and fire chamber or similar prepared place in which a fire may be made and which is built in conjunction with a chimney.

Factory-built Fireplace is a listed assembly of a fire chamber, its chimney and related factory-made parts designed for unit assembly without requiring field construction. Factory-built fireplaces are not dependent on motor-filled joints for continued safe use.

Fireplace Area Map

Other Information
Colorado Department of Health Memo [pdf, 58kb]
List of EPA Certified Phase II Wood Stoves [pdf, 673kb]
List of EPA Exempt from Certification Wood Stoves [pdf, 397kb]
List of Colorado Approved Pellet Stoves [pdf, 72kb]
List of Colorado Approved Masonary Heaters [pdf, 13kb]

Call the Colorado Department of Health or the EPA for the most current listing.

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200 W. Oak Street, Fort Collins, CO 80521, 970-498-7000Ê© 1995-2003, Larimer County

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Buckley Rumford Fireplaces
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