The 36" Rumford fireplace and one story tapered block chimney shown in this series were built in one day and a couple hours by two masons and a laborer under simulated production conditions. I had spent the day before making sure all the materials were on site and the inspections were lined up. - Jim Buckley

10:40am - Set the one-piece 36" Rumford throat made by Superior Clay.

10:50am - Lay block around the throat and across the front. The throat will carry the masonry but lay a piece of rebar in the big bed joint just above the throat to hold things together.

11:00am - Nail a 2"x4" across the front to support the block if you're working fast and the mortar is still soft.

11:15am - Set the damper. This is one of the Allied flat cast iron dampers. K&W now makes a stainless steel damper that fits better and opens forward lifting the small back side and gives the mason more room to offset the smoke chamber.

11:30am - Set the two piece smoke chamber over the damper and make sure the damper works properly without striking the inside of the smoke chamber. Always throw some sand over the damper, or cover it with something to prevent mortar droping down the chimney during construction from bonding to the damper and making it hard to open.

Noon - The boss comes to have a look.