Link to Welch cabin website*
Howdy Jim, Ed Welch from south Alabama here. I contacted you a while back regarding suppliers of Superior Clay Rumford parts in my area. Thanks for your response. Someone from Dothan responded to my inquiry. These were actually the same folks that didn't respond to my initial inquiry. Ah well, probably not a regularly sought piece of merchandise down this way...there wasn't a lot of enthusiasm there.
What I finally did was scrounge up all the information that I could, all the specs I could, read what folks did to "improve" the Rumford and then went as closely as we could to the specs as to what we perceived them to be for a true Count Rumford designed fireplace. It's a 42" one. If you'd care to take a look at what we've done, below is a link to a thumbnail page of the cabin building process. There's a lot of pictures of the cabin building, but towards the end you'll find what we've done regarding a "from scratch" Rumford. We're at the stage of finishing the smoke chamber. We're probably going to divert from the in-throat damper and go with a chimney-top one...any thoughts on this? It's pretty much done, but if you see something you want to point out feel free.
Thanks again for your help and for a GREAT RUMFORD WEBSITE !!!!
Link to cabin website: www.troycable.net/~welchs
Take care,
Ed Welch
South Alabama