Snyder Hartung Kane Strauss Architects
1050 N38th Street
Seattle, WA 98103
206 675 9151 (fax 206 675 9150)
Kevin Kane; Mark Snyder
Jim - thanks for the update. photos of the 'new' fireplace are attached, though they are not of a professoinal quality. the kit is your 48x48, the stone veneer is antique granite that Rhodes Masonry is 'recycling' from Chinese towns that are being flooded by construction of the new 3 rivers dam - nice material. this firebox has the wolf inlets, but the actual firebrick size and pattern are not as artfully executed as thet might be. you can see it's still clean and i am anxiously waiting to hear how it performs from the clients. i usually try to ask the masons how the installation went, but have not yet gotten the opportunity.
thanks for your excellent technical support and well designed system,