Buckley Rumford Fireplaces
The Chimney Poured
The Korchinsky Project

To: Jim Buckley
From: khyber easton
Subject: a couple of photos


At long last, a few more photos. I will send more as we progress.



Thanks Khyber. Looks great to me. Some questions:

1) Are you happy with the process and the results?

2) Seems like a lot of room - a lot of dirt to pour. Do you think you should have made the chimney smaller or filled up some space within that big space with sono tubes or something?

3) Why did you leave the hearth edge exposed instead of bringing the pour up around the edge of the hearth?

4) Do you have any pictures of the first pour?

Warm regards,
Jim Buckley

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Copyright 1996 - 2010 Jim Buckley
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