Fifty + One Reunion 9-11 Oct 2009 in Kent, OH
Fifty + One Reunion Yearbook (pdf)
KSUS Class of 1958
Send pictures and info for the website to Jim Buckley
See also the KSUS facebook page where you can post whatever comments and pictures you want.
Don Baker Elain (Bay) Wood Bill Beller Norm Biltz Alice (Brady) White Robert Brunswick Jim Buckley (Bonnie) pictures Barbara (Bullock) Hershberger Judy (Bunker) Ruffing picture Cami (Calabrese) Black (David) pictures Linda (Chapman) Nelson Tom Close Judy (Cole) McClain James Decker Dolores (Dunlavy) Figland David Ebie Pat Eisenhut Red Ensinger John Fageol Bernie Frye Suzanne (Garl) White Steve Gibbs Janice (Gilley) Pumo Patti (Graven) Giglioli Dave Grund Sam Hannan |
Pearce Hardwick Don Hibbard Molly (Hinman) Peterson Linda (Hurd) Harvey Jim Jeffers Deloris Kline Richard Littlepage Kathy (Loudin) Clark Dennis Markusson Phyllis (Meredith) Phyllis Tammy (Moeller) Peterman Curtis Mull Gloria (Rabatin) Merlo Linda Redman Bill Reinhart Susie (Shaffer) Creswell Bob Sharp Bill Smith Ron Spacht Joe Straten Cindy (Stringer) Benson pictures Mary Ann (Tassone) Laubert Madelyn (Testa) Newlon Cheryl (Varney) Hertzfeld Jim Villella Judy (Visca) Foster Charlie Weaver (Betty) picture Joe Zucchero |
Copy and paste to email everyone (updated 3/28/10)
Milt (Red) Ensinger |
Correspondence (most recent first)
3/28/10 Classmates, A considerable amount of effort went into locating classmates and their information (addresses, spouse’s names, etc.) for the reunion. Having captured most of that information, we would like to ensure the data is kept current. In that regard, please provide me with any changes in your postal and email addresses, phone numbers, etc. I’m still trying to locate those that are missing. The list includes: Eugene Bunner, Larry Durham, Thomas Gregor, Charles Kelley, Jim Pierce, Gloria (Rabatin) Merlo, Louise Vasil, and Patricia White. In addition, happy birthday wishes are being exchanged, so please provide me with your birth date. Don’t be shy as we all know how old we are – some more so than others !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks, Red/Milt
6/18/09 "Cami Black" Cami, I'm a little uncomfortable with facebook too - just figured I would learn to be more comfortable if I used it more. Don Baker says he will set up a KSUS page for us on facebook. Let's see. Meanwhile it's easy for me to develop the page at http://www.olympus.net/personal/buckley/KSUS/index.htm and, if we ever want to create a completely separate website with our own URL, it will be easy to transfer the information from my page to the new site. So send me your picture. So far only Charlie and Betty Weaver have. Let me know if you find out what Kathy's email address is. The one below does not bounce back so maybe she has both.
On 6/18/09 "Cami Black"
Hi, Jim:
Actually, I like the idea of our own website, particularly if you're willing to set it up. I think facebook would be nice as an ongoing line of communication, but for purposes of reconnecting for our reunion...or maybe even as a means of communicating in the future, I like the idea of our own website.. I guess I'm just not comfortable with facebook yet. That's my two cents. I know...I need to forward my picture to you. I just spent 2 hours on the phone with kathy loudin clark catching up after 2+ years. I forwarded her your emails.
I think her email is wrong below. I'll know if mine bounce back that I sent her tonight. I think it's dennykathyclark@earthlink.net.
Let's go with your son's advice and create a class facebook set of friends. Maybe he can help us decide if we want a "class only" facebook account or if we should just invite each other into our current facebook accounts. I'll wait a few days and then start inviting.
I don't think I ever took home ec or typing at KSUS. Both probably would have helped.
On June 16, 2009 S CURTIS wrote:
Jim, My son thought facebook would be the best way. Naturally I am not into all this stuff on the web now but out of necessity have learned a little from all my kids one of whom is Microsoft certified. I know all my grandchildren will be able to help me out even thopugh they are 8 and 6. I'll be back in touch next week. The one course I took at old KSUS was a quarter of typing along with home ec and both have come in handy. Weren't you in the home ec class?
Reunion Date Clarification
I have had several questions concerning the dates in my last request for reunion information, so I am sending this to clarify.
The August date is the Class of 1959’s reunion. They have invited us to attend their Saturday night event. Sally Griggy Trautman has volunteered to collect the names and money for those who wish to attend. If you are going to attend, contact Sally at 4440 Sandlewood Drive, Kent, OH, 44240-6932, 330-677-4250. Please make your reservations and have your money to her as soon as possible but no later than 1 Jul 09.
The October date is our reunion (Class of 1958). The purpose of the requested information (suspense of June 1st – hint, hint) was to refine/get better numbers for facility planning purposes including a block of motel rooms if needed, to get the list out of those classmates that I have not been able to find yet, and to remind those that have not yet provided their “history” for the reunion booklet. Thanks to Sally, I have been able to contact Madelyn Testa Newlon. And, Steve Gibbs has contacted me so we are down to 12. Again, I ask for your assistance if you have any leads on these 12.
Several of you have asked if we need any help - we do. We want to do some decorating for our Saturday night event. So any one who wants to, please join in. We will be doing this some time Saturday afternoon. More details later. For sure, there will be a table or whatever for memorabilia. If you would like to bring anything, please do so, but remember to identify all items that are yours -- embarrassing items should not be dismissed out of hand and therefore are welcome!
As a means of reducing costs, at least to emailers, I would you like your opinions. First, would you like an email copy of the reunion booklet (no cost) or a hardcopy (minimum of $5, have not determined mailing cost yet)?
Likewise, would you like an email of the class picture(s) or a hardcopy? I’m not technically proficient in the computerized photo area, so anyone who has any ideas, please let me know, or better yet, volunteers are welcome! Keep in mind that not all of our classmates are emailers.
KSUHS Reunion Call for Help
This is a call for help on our class reunion.
First, I have been unable to locate the following classmates with last known location in (italics):(15)
Judy (Bunker) Hughes (Columbus, OH)
If you have any knowledge of their whereabouts, please let me know.
Second, I have not yet received "life after graduation" from the following:(12)
Donald Baker
I realize that I have been in recent contact with some of you; this is just a complete list. Please don’t wait until the last minute to provide as I would like to have the booklet done before the reunion so that they can be distributed there – thanks.
Status: Currently, the weekend of 9-11 Oct 2009 is the most probable for the reunion with a gathering on Friday night for those that can attend, tours of the old buildings on Saturday afternoon, the main gathering on Saturday evening, and brunch on Sunday morning for those that can attend. This weekend is also KSU’s Homecoming for those that want to attend any of these activities (parade, game, etc.). However, being Homecoming, motels may be fuller so we will let you know as soon as a final date is chosen and the precise locations of our reunion activities.
Several of you (as well as snail mailers) have volunteered to help; we appreciate this. Things that Bob Brunswick and I have discussed are: decorations, name tags (Bob indicated that at a previous reunion, facsimiles of pictures from the year book have been used), memorabilia (if you would like to bring and display any items you have, please mark them clearly as yours), and, of course, any one with cameras that want to keep their own record of our reunion and/or share with others/all later.
Lastly, please respond to this email whether or not you have any of the above info. I’m also using it as a check of email addresses.
Thanks, Red Ensinger