Certification Program for Masons
Examen Final en Espanol


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1) Which factors affect the "draw" of a fireplace - its ability to exhaust all the products of combustion?
    a) relationship between the cross-sectional areas of the opening, throat and flue
    b) height of the chimney
    c) indoor air pressure
    d) damper open or closed
    e) all of the above
2) What is the primary means of heat transfer for a Rumford fireplace? How does it heat?
    a) by convection
    b) by radiation
    c) by conduction
    d) it doesn't heat
    e) it only heats people
3) Clay flues are designated by:
    a) their effective area
    b) their actual interior dimensions
    c) their nominal exterior dimensions
    d) their weight
    e) their ASTM classification
4) When an inside chimney passes through a combustible wall or floor or roof how close can it be to combustible material? (Mark all that apply.)
    a) 1 inch
    b) 2 inches
    c) in contact
    d) in contact if the chimney wall is 8" thick
5) The residential building codes are prescriptive. What does that mean?
    a) Copies of the code can picked up in any drug store.
    b) You don't need an engineer to approve your plans to get a building permit.
    c) Only tested brand name products can be used.
    d) It's not required to read the code unless the job is "red tagged".
6) When a chimney is built as part of a masonry wall how close to the chimney can a combustible window or door frame in contact with the masonry wall be located? (Mark all that apply.)
    a) 2 inches
    b) 4 inches
    c) 8 inches from any interior lining surface
    d) Combustible material cannot be in contact with any wall which is in contact with a chimney. You have to have 2" of air space even if the combustible material is six feet from the chimney.
7) Combustible mantels and combustible trim must be at least how far from the fireplace opening?
    a) 12 inches
    b) 6 inches
    c) 8 inches
8) In seismic design areas masonry chimneys must have at least one 1/2" rebar grouted vertically in each corner of the chimney, tied horizontally with 1/4" pencil rod at least every 18" of vertical lift. Where exactly in the corners should the vertical rebar be placed?
    a) between the clay flues, if they are wrapped with insulation or ceramic paper, and the surrounding masonry
    b) within the cells of the masonry units themselves
    c) in confined spaces formed by the masonry shell and internal masonry wythes
    d) any of the above
9) "Any mason can lay one brick in ten seconds." How long does it take two masons to build a 36" Rumford fireplace and one story block chimney?
    a) one day
    b) two days
    c) depends on the weather, job site preparation, the number of cell phone calls the mason takes and whether or not the hoddy shows up
10) No matter how many great features a Rumford fireplace has and no matter how many benefits there are to a masonry chimney, the customer/client won't go for it until:
    a) hell freezes over
    b) you get sarcastic and red in the face
    c) you give them a hat or a pencil
    d) the customer/client decides that he or she needs the fireplace

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