11/22/14 Wow! This Rumford is thirteen years old yet looks brand new! <<<-First fire of the 2014 season Owners cleaned the fireboxes with a waterless fireplace cleaner bought a borescope flue scan camera and chimney cleaning brushes and repaired their own flues (see below).
9/17/14 We just finished both fireplaces. We were much faster on the second flue. The heat shield system is really the best - pulling and extruded form through the chamber makes the most mechanical advantage sense. That said, we used a painting applicator to cover the first 12 ft of the flue system using Heat Stop. It works great on the lower joints. Having a bigger flue and fire box helps. The bread oven was simply installed poorly. There are several 1 inch and larger gaps. We will have heat shield installed this spring. The main fireplaces all have ΒΌ inch size holes, that we were able to fill. We'll keep you posted on the performance over the winter, and during our first video survey next spring.
Back to 2002 when built
Buckley Rumford Fireplaces
Copyright 1995 - 2014 Jim Buckley
All rights reserved.