Alan Gossett Masonry
14993 Salmon La Sac Rd.
Ronald, WA 98940
P.O. Box 1088, Roslyn, WA. 98941
509 649 2888 (cell 509 312 9111)

"I specialize in riverstone and custom brickwork and have built a half dozen Finnish contraflow masonry heaters. I've installed several of Jerry Frisch's Rosin units as well as Greg Pettipas Heatforce units, but these units are limited as far as opening sizes, hence my new interest in Rumford's. I've attached a couple of pictures of our latest riverstone project and I'd be happy to send you a couple of our Rumford when the home is completed."

Thank you,
Alan Gossett, 2003

Buckley Rumford Fireplaces
Copyright 1996 - 2007 Jim Buckley
All rights reserved.